
What is the relationship of the acm regarding the licensing

Question 1

According to the textbook, which of the following careers is NOT an example of a profession?

A. Accountant

B. Dentist

C. Lawyer

D. Software engineer

Question 2

Which of the following is NOT one of the characteristics of a mature profession?

A. Code of ethics

B. Licensing

C. Mandatory drug testing

D. Mandatory professional development

Question 3

The process giving someone the legal right to practice a profession is called:

A. accreditation.

B. certification.

C. licensing.

D. professional ethics.

Question 4

Unlike most professionals, the typical software engineer does NOT:

A. have a college education.

B. make important decisions.

C. make more than minimum wage.

D. work directly with individual clients.

Question 5

The Software Engineering Code of Ethics and Professional Practice was developed by:

A. Computer Professinals for Social Responsibility.

B. the Association for Computing Machinery and the Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers.

C. a consortium of computer science departments in the United States, Canada, and Mexico.

D. Immanuel Kant.

Question 6

The Principles and Clauses in the Software Engineering Code of Ethics and Professional Practice:

A. address every ethical dilemma a software engineer may face.

B. provide algebraic formulas for determining the best course of action.

C. incorporate every relevant feature into the formulas.

D. None of the above

Question 7

According to Aristotle, deriving pleasure from a virtuous act is a sign that you:

A. have developed the virtue.

B. have not yet developed the virtue.

C. are egotistical.

D. are hedonistic.

Question 8

According to Aristotle, when people with strong character face a moral problem, they know the right thing to do, because:

A. they are able to determine with accuracy the consequences of their actions.

B. the action is consistent with their character.

C. they care more for other people than for themselves.

D. they are completely impartial with respect to how they treat other people.

Question 9

Virtue ethics does NOT:

A. provide a motive for good behavior.

B. stress the importance of loyalty.

C. promote healthy social interactions.

D. make it easier to decide what to do in a particular situation.

Question 10

A principal factor contributing to the loss of the space shuttle Challenger was that:

A. its payload was too heavy.

B. there were no experienced astronauts on board.

C. the weather in Florida was unusually cold.

D. it was hit by lightning.

Question 11

According to Michael McFarland, a team of engineers:

A. has more moral accountability than any of its members.

B. has less moral accountability than any of its members.

C. has the same amount of moral accountability as its members.

D. should always designate a single person to be the ethical "watchdog."

Question 12

The process by which candidates are evaluated to determine their readiness to enter the profession is called:

A. licensing.

B. certification.

C. professional candidacy.

D. exam administration.

Question 13

__________ is required in order to use the Software Engineering Code of Ethics effectively.

A. Accreditation

B. Good judgment

C. A college education

D. Professionalism

Question 14

Roger Boisjoly provided a Presidential commission with documents supporting his hypothesis about how the cold temperature had caused the failure of an O-ring on the Space Shuttle Challenger. For this action, Boisjoly was considered:

A. responsible.

B. a hero.

C. a leader.

D. a whistleblower.

Question 15

Responsibility assigned because of a person's assigned duties is called __________ responsibility.

A. subjective

B. role

C. corporate

D. occupational

Question 16

Michael McFarland argues that a team of engineers should be held to a higher level of moral responsibility than:

A. management.

B. society as a whole.

C. the company.

D. any of its members.

Question 17

A mature profession insists that its members complete an initial professional education. The process by which the profession assures that this formal course work meets its standards is called:

A. licensing.

B. certification.

C. accreditation.

D. quality control.

Question 18

Licensing gives the members of a profession the __________ right to practice the profession.

A. documented

B. corporate-approved

C. agreed upon

D. legal

Question 19

What is the relationship of the ACM regarding the licensing of software engineers?

A. The ACM is the licensing agent for software engineers.

B. The ACM actively supports the licensing of software engineers.

C. The ACM provides educational materials for the licensing of software engineers.

D. The ACM is opposed to the licensing of software engineers.

Question 20

In The Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle writes that happiness results from:

A. acting in a manner that supports the greater good.

B. fulfilling work.

C. living a life of virtue.

D. giving freely of oneself to others.

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