
What is the relationship between tapas and pratyahara


A. What is the difference between yamas and niyamas?

B. What are the 5 kleshas (causes of suffering) mentioned?

C. What is the difference between santosha and both satisfaction and complacency?

D. What is the relationship between tapas and pratyahara?

E. Are you able to tell the difference between svadhyaya, rumination, and getting stuck in inflexible stories about yourself? Name a clearly different example of each.

F. What are your metrics for flexibility?

G. Do you consider yourself flexible?

H. What ideas about yoga do you have from media?

I. What does hypermobility do to the way a person interprets sensations?

J. How does the answer to question 4 relate to a sense of safety?

K. Describe how your personal movement history and mobility might affect your interpretation of intense sensations?

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Reference No:- TGS03327238

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