
What is the relationship between mandatory minimum

Keep in mind that despite efforts to address U.S. incarceration rates, the U.S. continues to have the highest rates in the world:

 U.S. Correctional Population at Lowest Level in over a Decade by Timothy Williams, Dec. 29, 2016 A-16

"The nation's jail and prison population decreased in 2015, according to federal data released by the Pew Research Center, and the number of adults locked up or on parole or probation fell to a level not seen since 2002 while overall crime continued to drop.

Reasons for the declining incarceration rates include the federal prison system releasing thousands of nonviolent drug offenders in 2015 and states seeking to save money by enacting legislation and policies to reduce prison populations."

1. What effect will the change in policy announced by the current U.S. Attorney General have on the 2015 findings released by the Pew Research Center featured in the text by Timothy Williams above?

2. What is the relationship between mandatory minimum sentencing and mass incarceration?

3. Is there a relationship between privatization of prisons and the U.S. incarceration rate? Please explain

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Dissertation: What is the relationship between mandatory minimum
Reference No:- TGS02632779

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