
What is the relationship between labor and incarceration


Watch the film "13th", than answer ANY three of the below questions with the appropriate word count. Please be detailed in your answers, and provide examples from the film.

A. How is the prison industrial complex defined in the film? Why is the "exception clause" (loop whole) the 13th amendment important in our understanding of incarceration and free labor in America? (three hundred words)

B. What is the relationship between labor and incarceration? Why is ALEC, and why is it so important in understanding the role of politicians and corporations? (three hundred words)

C. What is the connection between the "War on Drugs" and the influx of mass incarceration? (three hundred words)

D. Can the "Southern strategy" be seen in American politics today, or do you think it is an isolated political maneuver of the past? Why/why not? (three hundred words)

E. Do all Americans receive equal protection under drug laws in America? Which concepts outlined in the film fit into procedure and substantive due process. Please be detailed in your answer. (three hundred words)

F. Are the collateral consequences of the War on Drugs "just"? Should housing, employment, and educational assistance be withheld from people with felonies? Why/Why not? Please be detailed in your answer. (three hundred words)

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