
What is the relationship between emotion and expression

Research Paper Assignment

Prompt: What is the relationship between emotion and expression? Write a paper that examines how this relationship makes itself apparent in literature and demonstrates how writers go about writing in such a way that exemplifies your position.

Construct your own argument answering the prompt and through a clear reading of any of the following essays, write a research paper that backs up your claim. Your thesis statement must hinge upon the use of this piece. Choose only one essay as your primary text for this assignment.

* T. S. Eliot "Tradition and the Individual Talent"

* Gertrude Stein "Composition as Explanation"

* Adrienne Rich "Someone is Writing a Poem"

* Alice Notley "The Poetics of Disobedience"

* Amiri Baracka "Expressive Language"

* Denise Levertove "Some Notes on Organic Form"

You must use at least one of the following poems in your paper in order to provide evidence for your argument, in addition to two additional resources of your own finding.

* E.E. Cummings "(me up at does)"

* Pablo Neruda "100 Hundred Love Sonnets: XVII"

* Sylvia Plath "Edge"

* Roberto Bolaño "When Lisa Told Me" & "The Memory of Lisa"

* W.B. Yeats "When You are Old"

* Bob Hicock "Other Lives and Dimensions and Finally a Love Poem"

* James Wright "Lying in a Hammock at William Duffy's Farm in Pine Island, Minnesota"

* Dorianne Laux "Facts about the Moon"

* Edgar Allan Poe - "Sonnet: To Science"

* Brenda Shaughnessy - "Drift"

Your essay must have an introduction that creates a contract with your reader concerning what they'll expect to find in the rest of the paper. Fulfill this contract by providing unique subpoints of your argument in each body paragraph and reiterating the connections between those paragraphs in your conclusion. Create cohesion by organizing the flow of your essay and within each paragraph by outlining the order ahead of time. Consider which progression of ideas will most usefully communicate to your reader. What must come first for them to understand the following claims? Use at least one quote per body paragraph.

Be sure that your paper uses proper in-text citations and includes a work cited page in MLA format.

Your essay must include all of the following (each demonstrating unique evidence for your argument):

- 1 essay from the list above

- at least 1 poem from the list above

- 2 outside resources of your own choosing

6-7 pages.

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Reference No:- TGS02542545

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