
What is the relationship between education median earnings

Three weeks before the students’ (ethics, history, sociology, government, et al.) research assignments are due; Shawn and two classmates visit the campus library to conduct the required online literature searches on their topics. After 30 minutes of surfing the web, Mike announces that he’s found a website that provides students with inexpensive research papers on a wide variety of subjects. Mike says to Shawn and Anna that he is planning to buy a paper when he finds one relating to his assigned topic. Shawn, who has never cheated in her academic career, hears Mike but says nothing and continues concentrating on her own research paper. Anna, who is appalled by Mike’s intention to cheat, vows that she will report Mike to their professor. Mike believes: "There’s no way I’ll be caught. I don’t think the professor even knows a website like this exists!" Anna is starting to get irritated by Mike’s distracting actions. Shawn is still hearing what Mike is saying and is not sure if she should get involved. They are all considering different actions to be taken and difficult decisions that will affect not only themselves but also others. Your job is to imagine the thinking that each student might have and answer the questions relating to their moral reasoning.

Suppose that 10 years later Mike has not finished his Associate’s, Anna has a Bachelor’s, and Shawn has a Master’s degree.

Write 50-200 words for each of the following questions.

QEP Ethical Decision Making:

Consider the following points and think before you write.

1. Stop and think to determine the facts.

2. Identify options.

3. Consider consequences for yourself and others.

4. Make an ethical choice and take appropriate action.

How are your values similar to and different from the students? What are the sources of your values?

What are the ethical issues in this social context/situation? Who do you agree with Anna or Shawn? Explain why?

From your perspective; what do you think will happen to the student’s relationship if Mike cheats? How will their relationship be affected if Anna turns Mike in?

Social Responsibility:

How might the instructors’ attitude towards Mike or Anna change if Anna accuses Mike of not writing his own paper?

If a hiring manager decides not hire Mike based on what college he went to or the grades on the transcript, is this form of social prejudice? Is it acceptable or not? Explain why?

Who has a social responsibility to build the brand/reputation of the college? Instructors, Staff, and/or students? Who is affected the most by the college’s reputation? Why?

Empirical and Quantitative: (Make sure to refer back to the graph)

What are the median yearly earnings for someone age 25 and has same education level as Shawn?

According to the graph what percent more does a person with Anna’s education make compared to someone with Mike’s?

What is the relationship between Education, Median Earnings, and Unemployment Rate?

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