
What is the relationship between cloning and stem cells

Problem: Scientists think that someday, embryonic stem cells will become the basis for what's called regenerative medicine. The idea behind regenerative medicine is to take these "universal" cells and persuade them to turn into the specific cell type needed to cure a disease or repair injured tissue. In other words, to supply healthy cells that can be used to replace defective or damaged ones. Consider diabetes. In one form of the disease, cells that produce insulin are destroyed. If they could be replaced with embryonic stem cells that have been "told" to become insulin-producing cells, diabetes might in theory be cured.

What is the relationship between cloning and stem cells?

Thinking about the statement above, would you advocate for these two ideas together and support their strong interrelationship in medicine or, feel that they should be discussed and kept as separate debatable entities?

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Biology: What is the relationship between cloning and stem cells
Reference No:- TGS03309159

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