
What is the relationship between atomic radius and

What is the relationship between atomic radius and ionization energy. Complete this lab to see.

The Assignment
Read and/or review the information following links:

Table of general trends from Science Geek in period properties.
Sparknotes information on periodic trends.
Reference the link, Science Geek, and follow the instructions below to complete this assignment. You will use the data provided below to complete this assignment.


Standard: Students know how to use the periodic table to identify trends in ionization energy, electronegativity, and the relative sizes of ions and atoms.
The Periodic Table is arranged according to the Periodic Law. The Periodic Law states that when elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic number, their physical and chemical properties show a periodic pattern.
Students can discover these patterns by examining the changes in properties of elements on the Periodic Table.
The properties that will be examined in this lesson are: atomic radius AND first ionization energy
To understand periodic trends relating to atomic radius, ionization energy, and electronegativity.
Use the information in these tables to complete the graphs as described below.

1. Define each of these terms: Atomic radius, First Ionization Energy, and Electronegativity.
2. Create tables in an Excel file that show the data that are provided in the resources below and/or in the weekly assignment Moodle page.
3. Create the four graphs described below.
4. Observe the trends in each property as you go down the alkali metal group and the alkaline earth metal group, and as you go across the periods.
5. Answer the four questions listed on the separate document provided.

Additional information to complete the graphs is in the attached file below labeled: Atomic Radii and First Ionization Constants.

The four graphs are:
1. Atomic Radius (y-axis) vs Atomic Number (x-axis) for specified atoms with their associated data tables
2. Atomic Radius (y-axis) vs Atomic Number (x-axis) for Groups 1 & 2 with their associated data tables
3. First Ionization Energy (y-axis) vs Atomic Number (x-axis) for specified atoms with their associated data tables
4. First Ionization Energy (y-axis) vs Atomic Number (x-axis) for Groups 1 & 2 with their associated data tables
To Submit
Type the four questions and save as a Word document with a filename that includes the assignment title, your first initial, and last name (ex. importanceofsafety_jdoe). Save all four graphs in excel with the names graph1_jdoe, graph2_jdoe, etc). You will find it more convenient to place your data tables and graphs on four separate sheets within one Excel file rather than creating four different Excel files.

For graphs 1 & 3, you will need to plot the data for elements 5 - 20, 37 & 38.
For graphs 2 & 4, you will plot the ten elements that are given for groups 1 & 2, at five elements from each group.

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Chemistry: What is the relationship between atomic radius and
Reference No:- TGS0790192

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