
What is the relationship and difference between tense and

1. Three hairstylist, Francois, Bernard and Mimi run Fast Service Hair Salon. They perform only shampooing and hairstyling activities. On average it takes 10 minutes to shampoo, 15 minutes to style hair, and 5 minutes to bill the customer. When a customer arrives, he or she first checks in the receptionist (Lulu). This takes only 3 minutes. One of the three stylists then takes charge of the customer and performs all three activities – shampooing, styling and billing consecutively. A customer has suggested that billing activity be transferred to Lulu. What would be the impact on salon's capacity (i.e., the maximum number of customers they can serve per hour)?

a. Cannot be determined

b. Capacity will decrease

c. Capacity will increase

d. Capacity will not change

2. Do you think that we still need affirmative action programs in higher education (colleges, universities) and in the workplace? Why or why not?

3. Imagine that you are the owner of a new company in your community. What are the key aspects in managing advertising, sales, promotion, events, and public relations? Which do you prioritize as the owner?

4. What is the relationship and difference between tense and time temporal?

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Operation Management: What is the relationship and difference between tense and
Reference No:- TGS02913302

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