
What is the recommended dosage of antibiotics

Problem: Renal Disease

1. Could you provide an explanation of the pathophysiology of ascites in nephrotic syndrome?

2. Is hyperkalemia brought on by the nephritic syndrome? The textbooks I have looked at do not appear to have a definitive answer.

3. You say that intravenous urography (IVU) is the first choice of investigation for male or child UTIs or recurrent UTIs in females; It is ultrasound (US) in the Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine.Which is superior?

4. What other oral antibiotic is recommended for treating an enterococcus-related urinary tract infection (UTI) in addition to amoxicillin?

5. In the prevention of recurrent UTIs during pregnancy, what is the recommended dosage of antibiotics? Is it safe to use amoxicillin clavulanic acid while pregnant?

6. In comparison to an indwelling catheter, what are the advantages of intermittent self-catheterization? When using an in-line catheter, how is bladder training carried out?
Please inform me of the significance of pulse wave velocity (PWV) in the early detection of arteriosclerosis. What applications do cardiac, diabetic, and renal medicine have for it?

7. You claim that there is no convincing evidence that chronic hyperuricemia causes nephropathy and that allopurinol cannot treat it. However, allopurinol reduces both serum uric acid and creatinine in some of the patients we see. Respond.

8. Can analgesic nephropathy be caused by aspirin? If this is the case, then how can its use in primary prevention of coronary artery disease (CAD) even in high-risk patients be justified?

9. What is the likelihood that a patient on a moderate daily dose of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs;) will develop analgesic nephropathy? I have read that regular use of analgesics for three years could cause this.analgesic nephropathy (ibuprofen 800 mg once daily for tension headache) will occur?

10. Can analgesic nephropathy be caused by taking 1 g of paracetamol per day? If so, how long after that?

11. Uric acid stones can be treated with allopurinol; Additionally, it is one of the causes of renal calculi.Could you please describe how it actually works?

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Reference No:- TGS03231831

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