
What is the reasonable expectation of privacy in a persons

Assignment : Privacy in Ones Garbage

What is the reasonable expectation of privacy in a person's garbage in a state like Michigan? A person running an illegal betting operation, such as a basketball pool in the office, throws the papers from the betting project in the wastebasket in the office. Do any of the following constitute an illegal search?

A police officer posing as a custodian comes into the office and takes away the wastebasket and the incriminating evidence.

The defendant — the person running the illegal betting operation empties the wastebasket into a garbage bag and leaves it outside the door for the custodian to take, but the police take it instead.

The defendant takes the garbage bag outside and puts it on the curb for the garbage truck, but the police pick it up instead.

A good starting point for your research is California v. Greenwood, (1988), but also look at the New Hampshire Supreme Court decision at the following Web site: https://www.courts.state.nh.us/supreme/opinions/2003/goss120.htm

Make a comparative study of the laws applicable in your home state and in the sample state of Michigan. Compile your findings in the form of a report of 3-5 pages in a Word document. Where appropriate, use bulleted lists headings, bold font style, and graphs or tables to enhance the appearance of your report.

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Other Subject: What is the reasonable expectation of privacy in a persons
Reference No:- TGS0645360

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