Article : Understanding Whiteness in the United States by JUDITH N. MARTIN
Concepts and Questions
1. The essay states that identity is "socially constructed and manifested through communication." Explain this state-ment and provide an example.
2. What do the authors mean by the term Indian-ness?
3. What is the reason behind the Certificate of Degree of Indian Blood (CDIB)? What is the certificate's purpose?
4. What are some of the factors leading to the decline of cultural competency among American Indians?
5. Contrast "tribal identity" and "Indian identity" as discussed in the essay. Why has one become more prevalent than the other?
6. What sources do most non-Indians draw on to construct their image of American Indians? Do these sources pre¬sent a valid representation? Why?
7. What are some of the difficulties encountered when researching American Indians?
8. How does one become a culturally competent tribal member?
9. What is meant by the phrase "identities are negotiated"?