
What is the real cause of the misconception what is the

Introductory Biology Science Literacy Assignment

Content: There are many misconceptions about scientific concepts that are widely accepted by the general public. Some topics include cracking your knuckles cause arthritis and it takes seven years to digest gum. Students are required to research a topic of their choosing and write a term paper on it following the guidelines below. For assistance in choosing a topic, please consult the internet or your professor.

Be sure to use credible sources when conducting your literature search. One of the sources MUST be a credible scientific source such as Science Daily, Science News or Scientific American. Websites ending in .gov, .edu or .org are also great resources. Make sure that all sources are properly cited within the text and on a References/Works Cited page.

No paper or email submissions will be accepted; this assignment MUST be submitted via Blackboard. The assignment may be submitted early, but NO LATE PAPERS WILL BE ACCEPTED. If a student needs clarification, please email the instructor as soon as possible. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL IT IS DUE TO ASK QUESTIONS!

Paper Format: Students are expected to turn in a minimum of 4-pages. Use double-space, 12 pt. Times New Roman font, and 1-inch margins on all sides of the pages. The first page is the title page. Be sure to include a creative title and use center alignment. The body of the paper will be a minimum of 2 pages (excluding graphics). The last page will be the References/Works Cited page.

Failure to comply with format guidelines will result in point deductions.

Drafts: The literacy assignments will be submitted through SafeAssign which is a database that checks for plagiarism. Students are able and encouraged to submit drafts before the final submission to check the percent similarity (plagiarized material). The percent similarity must be below 15%. The instructor will not view the drafts unless requested by the student.


Be sure to write a paragraph describing each of the following:

1) Introductory paragraph

a. Introduce the misconception and give an overview of the paper

2) Describe the misconceptions and why people believe it.

a. Explain the misconception, why people believe the misconception and why it is so widespread.

3) Explain the correct scientific explanation of the phenomenon.

a. What is the real cause of the misconception?
b. What is the actual science underlining the misconception?

4) What is your personal reaction to the topic?

a. Describe your thoughts, feelings, and opinions on the issue.
b. Did you believe the misconception?
c. Do you believe it now?

i. Support your stance with facts.

5) Concluding paragraph

a. What is the take-home message of the entire paper?

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Biology: What is the real cause of the misconception what is the
Reference No:- TGS02719682

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