
What is the rate of return earned by lacer plan assets in

This assignment covers chapter 8 and is due by 10:00 p.m on Monday, 4/4.

To answer these questions, use the 2014 CAFR for the City of Los Angeles found at www.lacity.org and the 2014 annual report for the Los Angeles City Employees' Retirement System (LACERS). The web address for the pension fund (LACERS) can be copied from page 155 of the CAFR for the city.

This assignment includes 10 questions. plus one extra credit question.

Instructions Answer questions 1-7 and the extra credit using the CAFR for the City of Los Angeles. Answer questions 8-10 using the report for the LACERS pension fund.


1. The city has which of the following fund types (check all that apply)?

Investment Trust Fund

Pension Trust

Tax Agency

Agency funds that are not a tax agency.


1. Read the plan descriptions of the 3 pension plans operated by the City and match the pension plan with where the pension expense for those employees would be recorded.

A. Governmental activities primarily
B. Both governmental activities and business-type activities.
C. Business activies


1. Which description below best describes the Pension and Other Postemployment Funds for the city of Los Angeles?

The assets equal the liabilities in this type of fund.

The Pension Funds have significantly less assets than they do liabilities, which is what I would expect.

The Pension Funds have significantly less assets than they do liabilities, which is NOT what I would expect.

The Pension Funds have significantly more assets than they do liabilities, which is what I would expect.

The Pension Funds have significantly more assets than they do liabilities, which is NOT what I would expect.


1. The value of investments held by the Pension Funds:

Remained the same value
Increased in value.
Changes in value cannot be determined by the financial statements.
Decreased in value.


1. Who contributed more to the pension plans in the current year?
the city.
the employees.
Cannot be determined from the CAFR.
the city and employees contributed equally.


1. The enterprise funds of the city have:

a pension liability that indicates the city pension plans are over-funded.
a pension liability that indicates the city pension plans are under funded.
no pension liability reported in the enterprise funds.
a pension liability that indicates the total amount owed to enterprise fund employees for pensions.


1. In addition to accumulating resources to pay pensions, the city is also accumulating resources to pay for health benefits upon retirement.



1. During the last 3 years, the LACERS pension plan has become:

more overfunded
less underfunded
less overfunded
more underfunded


1. Which of the following had the greatest impact on the LACERS net pension liability?

Service cost
Interest cost
Benefit payments
Total contributions.
None of these had an impact on the net pension liability.


1. What is the rate of return earned by LACER plan assets in the most recent year?



1. Assume the city is considering transferring some of its pension fund assets to a new high interest investment pool sponsored by the State of California. How would this transaction be accounted for in the city of Los Angeles' financial statements.

As an investment in the pension fund.
As an addition in a newly created Investment Trust Fund.
Both A and B
This transaction would not be reflected in any of the funds reported in the CAFR.

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Financial Accounting: What is the rate of return earned by lacer plan assets in
Reference No:- TGS01365243

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