1. The Twin Tower credit card company charges you an effective annual rate of 15.30 percent on your credit card. What is the quoted annual percentage rate on your account if the interest is compounded monthly?
14.32 percent
12.67 percent
13.54 percent
15.30 percent
17.46 percent
2. The Dry Dock is considering a project with an initial cost of $218,400. The project's cash inflows for years 1 through 3 are $67,200, $74,600, and $96,900, respectively. What is the IRR of this project?
A. 9.71 percent.
B. 6.03 percent.
C. 5.44 percent.
D. 4.30 percent.
3. Baker is single and earned $225,000 of salary as an employee in 2017. How much should his employer have withheld from his paycheck for FICA taxes (rounded to the nearest whole dollar amount)?
a. 11,374 b. $10,247 c. $9,653 d. $15,888