
What is the qrs shape and is the qrs complex extended


• What is the rate? Is it within the normal range of 60-100 beats per minute?

• Is the rate fast, normal, slow, or very irregular?

• Are all normal waves present in recognizable form?

• What is the QRS shape? Is the QRS complex extended?

• Does all of the QRS complexes look the same?

• Does all the P waves look the same?

• Is there one QRS complex for each P wave?

• If yes, is the P-R segment constant in length?

• If there is not one QRS complex for each P wave, count the heart rate using the P waves, then count it according to the R waves. Are the rates the same? Which wave would agree with the pulse felt at the wrist?

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Biology: What is the qrs shape and is the qrs complex extended
Reference No:- TGS03308843

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