
What is the purpose of the test personality screening

Psychometric Evaluation of Test

Each student will evaluate 3 psychological tests that are not covered in the textbook or in class lectures.Utilize the Mental Measurement Yearbook found through the LibertyOnline Library to help you select your tests.You are expected to choose 3 different psychological tests and report on the psychometric properties of each test as well as explain why you chose the test. The evaluation should be approximately 2 pages in length for each test. Current APA format is expected.

This assignment will account for 200 points.Evaluations of each test will be graded on your coverage of the purpose and design of the test, psychometric properties of the test, the justification of why you choose the particular test, and the quality of your writing.

Psychometric Properties

1. Purpose: What is the purpose of the test (personality, screening, Marriage counseling, placement for children, etc.)? Who developed it and why? How is it used?

2. Type: Paper and pencil? Computer based? What kind of items (T/F, likert, etc)? What kind of score(s) do you get (percentile rank, z score, T, total and /or subscales?)

3. Norms& Administration: describe the normative sample. How is the test administered and scored? Who can purchase?

- Norming data: define both the number and the specific type of individuals included in the normative sample

4. R & V: reliability and validity information.

- Reliability data: correctly use the terms in the course to define the type of reliability reported and provide the specific numerical value of the reliability statistic

- Validity data: correctly use the terms for two types of validity and provide statistical or conceptual information for each


Why are you selecting this test for review? How is this relevant to what you are doing now and/or future career plans?

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Dissertation: What is the purpose of the test personality screening
Reference No:- TGS01478591

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