
What is the purpose of the embassy to achilles what does


1. In the debate between Agamemnon and Diomedes in Book IX, what does Agamemnon propose doing and how does Diomedes answer? You may sum their arguments in one or two sentences each.

2. What has happened to make Agamemnon feel the way he does as he makes his speech (the speech referenced in question one)?

3. What is the purpose of the embassy to Achilles?

4. What does Achilles tell the embassy that he plans to do on the next day?

5. Before the embassy makes their business known to Achilles, what do the visitors and hosts do?

6. Who speaks the following lines: "Nothing is worth my life, not all the riches / They say Troy held before the Greeks came, / Not all the wealth in Phoebus Apollo's / Marble shrine up in craggy Pytho."

Questions from BookXVI

1. As Sarpedon is about to die, Zeus considers taking some action. What does he want to do and why does he want to do it? Explain whether he takes this action or not and explain why he does or does not.

2. Who kills Patroclus? What happens to his body after he dies?

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Other Subject: What is the purpose of the embassy to achilles what does
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