
What is the purpose of the documentary - belgian congo

Assignment Task:

YouTube Video: Belgian Congo (Documentary)

1. Until Hitler, who was the standard of cruelty?

2. What is the purpose of the documentary?

3. Why show the architectural wealth of Belgium?

4. What defence does the director of the museum give for the depredations of his nation?

5. What role did Stanley play in the creation of the Congo Free State?

6. What veil of legality did Leopold get to ensure that he got hold of the colony during the 1884-85 Berlin Conference?

7. To what extent did the racist ideology of the time have cause

8. What material made Evil Santa so wealthy?

 9. How were bullets accounted for in the Congo Free State?

10. What demographic impact did Leopold's depredations have?

11. Why not declassify the archives?

12. Why give the white colonial officials a commission?

13. Why did Leopold's trade monopoly in the CFS cause him a proverbial headache?

14. How did Morel loosen Leopold's grip?

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