
What is the purpose of the comprehensive examination what


1. What is the purpose of the comprehensive examination?

The comprehensive examination is designed to assess the degree to which you have met your program goals and learner outcomes.

2. What resources are available to help me prepare for my comprehensive examination?

Comprehensive examination guide

Program outcomes

Course materials

3. What can I do to prepare for my comprehensive examination?

Review the comprehensive examination guide.

Review program outcomes.

Review your course materials.

Access the online comprehensive examination toolbox.

Read and review examples of questions posted on the online comprehensive examination course.

4. When do I take my comprehensive examination?

You should work with your department chair or designee to communicate your intention to take the comprehensive examination in the term in which you are enrolled in the last course or courses required for your program of study.

5. How do I take the comprehensive examination?

You will be attached to the online comprehensive examination course during he term in which you are scheduled to take your comprehensive examination. The examination questions are made available to students within the online comprehensive examination course on the day the exam is scheduled to begin. You will have one week to develop your responses and submit your work to the examination submissions area of the course.

6. What is the best way for me to prepare for the comprehensive examination?

You should begin preparing for the exam from your very first course in the program. Outline essential material as you progress through each course so that you will be able to draw from this when preparing for the actual exam.

7. How long do most students take to study for and prepare for their comprehensive examination?

This is a value judgment to be decided on by each student. Keep in mind that you are preparing for the exam during every course you take in the program. The exam is administered electronically and is open book and open note, so keeping your course materials, adding to your outlines, or keeping a course-by-course journal will expedite the preparation process.

8. Do I have to use APA format in my comprehensive examination?

Yes, the expectation is that you will follow APA guidelines as you complete the comprehensive examination.

9. How important are correct grammar and spelling in my comprehensive examination?

Correct spelling and grammar are expected at all times from all students.

10. Are the readers of my comprehensive examination expecting me to know all of the theories associated with my concentration?

The readers expect you to exhibit a thorough knowledge of all relevant theories as studied throughout your courses.

11. If English is not my primary language, may I have an editor review my responses and make suggestions?

Graduate students are expected to complete the comprehensive examination without the assistance of an editor or other individuals. Independent work is expected of all students in completing the comprehensive examination.

12. Will there be anyone available while I am taking my comprehensive examination to answer questions that I might have?

You may address questions related to accessing the comprehensive examination toolbox to your program chair or designee.

13. How are my responses assessed?

Two faculty members will read and assess your work. Your responses will be scored against program-specific learning outcomes and in accordance with graduate level expectations of performance.

14. How am I notified of the results?

Your department chair or designee will post your exam results in the course and/or email the results to you by the final day of the term.

15. How long do I have to wait for the results?

You will be notified of your results prior to the end of the session in which you take the comprehensive examination.

16. What happens if I do not pass?

You have two more opportunities to successfully complete the examination if you do not pass the first time. See the Comprehensive Examination Guide for additional details.

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