
What is the purpose of osha safety standards do you think


Outlined below are FOUR essay questions. When answering the questions, please address each question individually. Do not plagarize. APA formatting and references are necessary. There is an attachment to assist you with this assignment.

1) This question involves thinking critically about the three exceptions to at-will employment. At-will employment suggests that both employees and the employer are legally allowed to terminate the relationship at any time without notice, unless both parties sign an actual contract that states otherwise. However, there are three exceptions: public-policy exception, implied-contract exception, and covenant-of-good-faith exception. If you had to choose the exception with the most valid rationale for protecting an employee's rights, which one would it be and why?

2) What is the purpose of OSHA safety standards? Do you think that businesses would take substantial safety precautions without the imposition of such standards? Does compliance with OSHA safety standards increase the cost of doing business in the United States? Why, or why not?

3) Do you think the employer-employee relationship is one which provides equal power to the parties, and why? Does the covenant-of-good-faith exception to at-will employment level the playing field? Why, or why not?

4) Do you think the punitive damages in Liebeck v. McDonald's was justified? Why, or why not? Does it make a difference that McDonald's rejected the plaintiff's settlement offer and countered with an offer of $800 or that McDonald's had already settled claim due to burning coffee for more than half a million dollars?

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Business Management: What is the purpose of osha safety standards do you think
Reference No:- TGS01623572

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