
What is the purpose of a business plan


Assignment Instructions

Learning objective: Student will demonstrate ability to create a professional business presentation on a given topic.


In PowerPoint, prepare an 7 to 10 slide presentation on one of the provided topics. Your presentation should include: A title slide, an agenda slide, at least 4 content slides, a reference slide, and a questions slide. Detailed speaker notes should be provided in the speaker notes section of the slide. If you are unaware of this aspect of the slide, please follow the following link provided in Supporting Materials


Prepare an 7 to 10 slide PowerPoint presentation on one of the provided topics:

Approved topics for your presentation are: What is the purpose of a business plan; What components need to be in a business plan; Why is a business plan important; How to use a business plan now that it is created; and What are the risks of not having a business plan

In your presentation you must include the following:

  • Title slide
  • Agenda slide
  • At least 4 content slides
  • Reference slide
  • Questions slide

Detailed speaker notes should be provided in the speaker notes section of the slide. If you are unaware of this aspect of the slide, please follow the following link provided in Supporting Materials

Supporting Materials

Add Speaker Notes to Your PowerPoint Presentation (Quick Video). https://business.tutsplus.com/tutorials/how-to-add-speaker-notes-to-powerpoint--cms-27976

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Business Economics: What is the purpose of a business plan
Reference No:- TGS02988368

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