
What is the public policy rationale for proposal


Terre Paper Instructions

You are required to write a 1,500 word essay on one of the following public policy topics (these were topics that were debated by the California state legislature in 2019)

Option 1: Should cities allow more high density housing to be built near transit hubs? See: California Senate Bill 50

Option 2: Should "gig economy" workers like Uber and Lyft drivers be classified as employees, thus entitling them to greator protections like minimum wages, sick leave, and health benefits?

See: California Assembly Bill S

In your essay, be sure to address the following questions:

• Introduce the topic being debated, what is it and why is it being proposed?

• Conduct a normative analysis. What is the public policy rationale for this proposal? What market fadure is it seeking to address, it any? What are the equity/efficienty tradeoffs, if any? Any other rationales given for the policy?

• Conduct a positive analysis. What do you expect to happen as a result of the policy? Who wins and who loses? Do you think the polity will achieve its intended objective? Oftentimes the effect of a policy will depend on key elasticities. Identify which elasticities are important and how they would affect anticipated outcomes.

• What is your personal opinion of the proposal? How did you arrive there? Cite expert research Oor conduct your own analysis to support your position.

Points will be awarded for the following:

• Accurate and concise description of the policy propersal

• Correctly identifying the rationale behind the proposal

• Through positive analyses within an appropriate theoretical framework

• Correctly identifying the relevant elasticities

• Correct use of economic and public policy jargon

• Persuasive use of facts and expert opinion in arriving at your oven opinion

Pending your permission, the best paper may be used as an example for future classes.

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Microeconomics: What is the public policy rationale for proposal
Reference No:- TGS03026898

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