
What is the proper role of he markets in society

Based on your reading of the book, What Money Can't Buy: The Moral Limits of the Markets by Michael J. Sandel, write an essay describing whether you think there are moral limits to the markets. The paper should be 2-4 pages, 12 pt font, double spaced. Please be thorough yet concise. Proofread your paper before you turn it in! This paper is your opinion but needs to be supported with evidence from the book or outside sources. You must cite these sources.

Your paper should consider the following:

Has America shifted from a market-based economy to a market-based society? If so, is this inherently bad?

What is the proper role of he markets in society?

As a Christian, where do you draw the line regarding what money can't buy? Do you think this is different from other Americans?

Do you think this book offers explanations for why the gap between the rich and poor is wider than years before? If so, why? If not, why? DO NOT GO ON A POLITICAL RANT but use facts to support your position!

Has this book changed any of your assumptions? Or has it strengthened your convictions? Please explain.

Make sure your Christian worldview is represented. You may use outside sources (Bible, materials from your Ethics courses as support! Cite everything that's not the Bible!).

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Financial Management: What is the proper role of he markets in society
Reference No:- TGS0510511

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