We are going to watch a film with Classical themes: "Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters" (2013).
I will ask you to pay particular attention to scenes inspired by mythology:
- What details make this mythological scene recognizable?
- Explain what mythological scene(s) or figure(s) are depicted. If a scene is depicted, explain how it relates to the story from which it comes. If a mythological figure depicted, write an encyclopedia-like description of the characteristics and associations of the figure, and briefly mention some of the stories associated with the figure.
- Is there a discernable relationship between the scene in the movie and the mythological scene represented?
- Who made the film?
- What is the production history of the film?
- What do the critics and scholars say?
- What can you learn from the film's genre?
- Does the film reflect an interesting cultural phenomenon?
Keep in mind the following guidelines:
1. Your answer should be at least 500 words long.
2. Proofread carefully. With today's computer spell and grammar checks, there is no excuse for sloppy errors.