Please read the short case provided in the link below, and then answer the following questions:
Question 1. What is the problem with Williams's approach? What types of control were used at Sunflower by Williams?
Question 2. What advice would you give Williams about the potential use of information technology for strategic advantage? About how to implement change?
350 to 400 words,000+employees&source=bl&ots=XpEKxJDZo9&sig=tLodaryB9vi-xEWVnLOEV3626CM&hl=en&ei=3nnITIWSB4jMswaft6XqDQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&sqi=2&ved=0CBYQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=sunflower%20Incorporated%20is%20a%20large%20distribution%20company%20with%20more%20than%205%2C000%20employees&f=false