What is the problem that you have identified

Problem: Report to Decision-Maker

What is the problem that you have identified?

Use of profanity that may impair the Army's dignity

A. How can the problem be solved or at least addressed?

a. Penalizes those who use behavior or language
b. Educate them

B. Who can implement this solution?

a. Company Commanding Officer

C. What evidence is there to show that this problem exists?

a. It is easily observed in normal conversations and text messages.

D. How will you demonstrate this evidence to your decision-maker?

a. Recording use of unprofessional language
b. Monitoring and taking screenshots when profanity is observed in a group chat room
c. Interviewing 3-4 people who have experienced the problem.

The response must include a reference list. Using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, double-space, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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Other Subject: What is the problem that you have identified
Reference No:- TGS03207301

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