
What is the problem of evil discuss in detail 2 of the 3

Paper Assignment: Philosophies of the World


Answer only one of the questions below, following all instructions provided on the "Paper Instructions" document.

1. a) What is the problem of evil? b) Discuss, in detail, 2 of the 3 responses to the problem of evil provided by Augustine. c) In your view, does Augustine solve the problem of evil? Why or why not?

2. a) What is Anselm's formulation of the Ontological argument for the existence of God? (Do not merely provide the formulation of the argument from the powerpoint. You should offer your own summary/reconstruction of the argument based on the text itself). b) What is Guanilo's argument against Anselm's ontological argument? c) Do you think that Anselm successfully proves the existence of God in the ontological argument, or is Guanilo's objection successful at undermining the argument? Justify your answer.

3. a) What is Avicenna's formulation of the Cosmological argument for the existence of God? b) Discuss one criticism of the cosmological argument put forward by Al-Ghazali. c) How does Averroes defend the cosmological argument against the criticism that you discussed in b) above?

1. Submission Details

a) Paper Assignments will be posted to BB Learn under "Paper Assignments."

b) To submit your paper to BB Learn click on the title of the assignment (i.e. "Paper 1") and follow prompts to attach file.

c) You must upload your paper as either a .doc(x) or .pdf file. If BB Learn cannot open your paper file, you will receive a zero and be asked to upload your paper again.

d) Do not submit your paper in the "comments" field. If you do so, you will be given a zero and asked to resubmit your paper.

2. Specific Requirements:

a) Answer only one of the questions provided.

b) Papers must be at least two full pages but no more than three full pages. Make sure that you answer the question completely.

c) Papers must be typed, double-spaced, 12-point font, 1-inch margins, and Times New Roman font (i.e. no excessively large fonts designed to take up extra space).

d) Papers must include at least onedirect quotation of philosophical significance from the primary source (assigned course reading) the question you are answering addresses. You should provide an internal citation that includes the author's (last) name and page number on which the passage appears in parentheses after the quotation i.e. (Plato, 82). Quotations must be from the primary source and not the editor's introduction to the reading. The primary source always follows the introduction and is indicated by a three-digit number (for example 3.1.1).

e) You must then provide an exegesis of the passage that you have quoted.

An exegesis is a critical explanation or interpretation of a text (or portion of a text). Your primary task is to show how the passage you have quoted directly answers the question that you are addressing. Thus, these papers are designed to improve your ability to use a text as evidence or support in answering a philosophical question. The goal of these papers is to sharpen your ability to interpret the meaning of philosophical texts and as such you should feel free to explore the passage you are discussing in any way you see fit as long as you answer the question directly in the process.

f) Secondary sources are not permitted. The only source that you are permitted to use in these papers are the assigned readings from our textbook Introduction to World Philosophy.

g) You are not required to provide a complete bibliography/works cited since the only permitted source is the required textbook.

h) Your papers must begin with a clear thesis/introductory paragraph. In the case of these assignments your "thesis" will be a restatement of the question you are addressing. Nevertheless, your introduction should provide structure to your paper as a whole by signposting all of the points that you will discuss in your paper. If the question you are addressing asks you to take a position, then your thesis/introductory paragraph must include a statement of the position that you will take in your paper.

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