
What is the probablity of getting a straight if you trade

In a 5 card draw, each player is dealt 5 crads and has the option of trading in up to three of their cards for the same numner of cards from the deck. The person with the best hand wins. The order of hands from best to worst are as follows: Straight flush, four of a kind, flush, straight, threee of a kind, two pair, one pair. Recall that a deck consitis of 13 cards (ace, king, queen, jack, 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2) ineach suit(hearts, diamonds, spades, clubs) making a total of 52 cards.

Suppose you are dealt the following hand ace of hearts, 7 of hearts, 7 of diamonds, 6 of hearts, 8 of hearts.

a) What is the probablity of getting a flush if you trade in the 7 of diamonds?

b) What is the probablity of getting a straight if you trade in the ace of hearts and the 7 of diamonds?

c) What is the probablity of getting three of a kind if you trade in the ace of hearts, 6 of hearts, and 8 of hearts?

d) What is the probablity of getting four of a kind if you trade in the ace of hearts, 6 of hearts, 8 of hearts?

c) Which crds should you trade in? Why?

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Financial Management: What is the probablity of getting a straight if you trade
Reference No:- TGS02720171

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