We wish to modify the cellular telephone coding system in Example 1.41 in order to reduce the number of errors. In particular, if there are two or three zeroes in the received sequence of 5 bits, we will say that a deletion (event D) occurs. Otherwise, if at least 4 zeroes are received, then the receiver decides a zero was sent. Similarly, if at least 4 ones are received, then the receiver decides a one was sent. We say that an error occurs if either a one was sent and the receiver decides zero was sent or if a zero was sent and the receiver decides a one was sent. For this modified protocol, what is the probability P[E] of an error? What is the probability P[D] of a deletion?
Example 1.41
To communicate one bit of information reliably, cellular phones transmit the same binary symbol five times. Thus the information "zero" is transmitted as 00000 and "one" is 11111. The receiver detects the correct information if three or more binary symbols are received correctly. What is the information error probability P[E], if the binary symbol error probability is q = 0.1?