
What is the probability of completing the exam

Complete the following:

Q1. A person must score in the upper 2% of the population on an IQ test to qualify for membership in Mensa, the international high-IQ society. If IQ scores are normally distributed with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15, what score must a person have to qualify for Mensa?

Q2. The time to complete a final examination in a particular college courses is normally distributed with a mean of 80 minutes and a standard deviation of 10 minutes.

Response the following questions.

A. What is the probability of completing the exam in one hour or less?

B. What is the probability that a student will complete the exam in more than 60 minutes But less than 75 minutes?

C. Assume that the class has 60 students and that the examination period is 90 minutes in length. How many students do you expect will be unable to complete the exam in the allotted time?

Q3. The average ticket price for a Washington Redskins football game was $81.89 for the 2001 Season. With the additional costs of parking, food, drinks, and souvenirs, the average cost. For a family of four to attend a game totaled $442.54. Assume the normal distribution applies and that the standard deviation is $65.

A. What is the probability that a family of four will spend more than $400?

B. What is the probability that a family of four will spend $300 or less?

C. What is the probability that a family of four will spend between $400 and $500?

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Basic Statistics: What is the probability of completing the exam
Reference No:- TGS01895069

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