A. What is a social movement?
B. Provide a thorough explanation of "ecoimperialism."
C. Summarize each of the seven types of environmental movements. Give some examples of the groups/organizations that are affiliated with each movement. Which one would frame your environmental ideology best and why?
D. What is the privatization of public goods? What are some consequences of the privatization of public goods?
E. How are environmental movements in the Global North and Global South different (there are at least 4 differences discussed in Lesson 19).
F. Within developmental projects, the Global North sought to develop the Global South. One way was by lending money for large-scale infrastructure and industrial development projects. Why didn't these loans work out as planned?
G. What are a few of the political opportunity structures that have hindered the environmental social movement?
H. Explain the projects of colonialism, developmentalism, and globalization in the Global South.