1. What is the principle of lime Soda process? Give their functions with chemical reactions.
2. Write notes on reverse osmosis and ultra filtration.
3. With a neat diagram explain the ion exchange method for water softening.
4. Calculate th quantity of lime and soda in 20% excess for softening 50,000 liters of hard water containing Ca(HCO3)2 = 8.1 mgs/lit, Mg(HCO3)2 = 7.3 mgs/lit, CaSO4 = 13.6mgs/lit, MgCl2 = 4.75 mgs/lit, Cacl2=13.875 mgs/lit, NaCl= 10mgs/lit.
5. A zeolite softener was exhausted after passing 4460 liters of hard water. Calculate the hardness of water if it required 100 liters of salt solution containing 150gm NaCl/litre.