Find an Internet address for each of the following and answer the accompanying questions in relation to the site you select. Provide the URL and site name.
1. A content area reading lesson plan.
What is the topic of the lesson plan?
Rate the lesson plan: Excellent, Good, Fair, or Poor
How does the lesson address content area reading issues that are covered in this course?
2. A site for a professional organization focused on literacy.
How could this site be a support to a classroom teacher?
What is the primary mission of the organization?
3. A web site created by secondary students.
What is the topic of the web site?
How does the web site appear to relate to the students' curriculum?
What ideas does this web site generate for your own instructional design?
4. A content-specific organization (e.g., a science site, a history site).
Rate the web site as a resource for students: Excellent, Good, Fair, or Poor
How could you best prepare students to access information from this web site?
5. A site for professional research on an educational topic.
Categorize the range of topics covered on this site.