What is the pressure change for water that flows through a steel pipe of diameter 0.15 m at a velocity of 2 m/s? If the flow were laminar regime what would be the pressure change? How much energy per mass is required to pump the fluid in turbulent flow? How much per laminar flow? What is the Viscous shear stress of laminar flow? What is turbulent shear stress? If sugar were added to the center flow of the pipe how much faster would the stream mix due to tubulence? What I got so far: P = (f*L*rho*V^2)/2D Re = rho*V*D/u u = 1.002*10^-3 kg/m*s rho = 998.2 kg/ m^3 Re = 2.99*10^5 for friction factor : (1/f^1/2) =-2 log (e/3.7D + 2.51/(Re(f)^1/2)) f = 0.017 P = (0.017)(998.2 kg/m^3)(2 m/s)^2/(0.15*2) = 226 Pa/m This is turbulent flow so I am not sure how to compute laminar regime pressure change. Please help with the rest