
What is the premise of columbus on trial


Here is the video for this assignment https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=llugQlQHTGA&t=376s

This assignment can be written in Italian or in English

In an essay of 2 to 3 double-spaced pages, discuss what you have learned at this event and how it has enriched your understanding of Italian-American culture. You can address the following:

• Who are Marylou & Jerome Bongiorno? Describe their work, briefly, mentioning a few films other than Columbus on Trial.

• What is the premise (idea for the storyline) of Columbus on Trial? What inspired the Bongiornos to create this film, and how did they execute it? What did they want us to know about Columbus?

• Describe your reaction to the film clips and the discussion. Did the film and the discussion change your perception of Columbus? If so, how? If not, why not? Did the event leave you with more questions? What did you want to know more about?

• How has Columbus on Trial contributed to your understanding of Italian-American culture?

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English: What is the premise of columbus on trial
Reference No:- TGS03197292

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