Use the data in ATTEND.RAW for this exercise.
(i) Obtain the minimum, maximum, and average values for the variables atndrte, priGPA, and ACT.
(ii) Estimate the model
atndrte = ß0 + ß1 priGPA + ß2 ACT + u,
and write the results in equation form. Interpret the intercept. Does t have a useful meaning?
(iii) Discuss the estimated slope coefficients. Are there any surprises?
(iv) What is the predicted atndrte if priGPA = 3.65 and ACT = 20? What do you make of this result? Are there any students in the sample with these values of the explanatory variables?
(v) If Student A has priGPA = 3.1 and ACT = 21 and Student B has priGPA = 2.1 and ACT = 26, what is the predicted difference in their attendance rates?