
What is the possible impact of not making the identified

Curriculum design and Evaluation

Click here to locate the Blueprint for Reform Web site. Individually, post a response to area that addresses the following:

In your view, what subjects are most critical for students to learn, and why?

Should curriculum reflect the needs of society? Why or why not?

In creating and maintaining the curriculum of the school, what is the best role for each of the following: parents, teachers, administrators, and students?

Blueprint ((https://www2.ed.gov/policy/elsec/leg/blueprint/publicationtoc.html)

Separate sheet

Comment on the posts of all other group members.

Now, prepare a PowerPoint presentation for the next Teacher In-Service Training day that discusses the following issues:

What are the priorities for changing what is taught (subject matter) in this policy?

Does the emphasis in this policy seem to be on programs or people? Explain.

What is the role of the community, state, and federal government in ensuring accountability?

What is the possible impact of not making the identified changes?

What does this policy state needs to be done to support teachers and learners in the classroom?

Give your conclusions and recommendations about the best course of action for improving curriculum.

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Dissertation: What is the possible impact of not making the identified
Reference No:- TGS01279080

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