
What is the population of the us

Consider the following questions:

My community is Pulaski County, Kentucky:

1. How many acres of land does it take to feed one person each year? (remember that just a URL is not a correct citation.)

2. How much crop land and potential crop land is converted to urban use per year in this country?

3. What is the population of the US now and what the projections for 2050?

4. What does an acre of farmland sell for in your community?

5. How does development pressure affect food prices? ( don't guess)

6. What is the average income for farmers in your community?

7. Does your community have zoning to protect against farmland conversion?

8. How does development and loss of farmland affect the families in the community?


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Other Subject: What is the population of the us
Reference No:- TGS01895371

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