
What is the population

Discuss the folloiwng:

Q: A media consulting company installs software on the set-top boxes of 100,000 U.S. cable TV customers; every ten seconds, the software records what channel is being viewed. These cable customers have agreed to participate, providing the media company with demographic data, such as age, gender, and income. Each week, the media company publishes rankings of each cable channel.

I. What is the population?

II. What is the sample?

III. Is the study observational or experimental? Justify your answer.

IV. If observational, identify ALL variables. If experimental, identify ALL independent and dependent variables.

V. For each of the variables identified in part IV, list which of the four levels/scales of measurement was used to obtain data on these variables?

VI. Classify each of the variables identified in part IV as either attribute or numerical.

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Basic Statistics: What is the population
Reference No:- TGS01898848

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