
What is the physiological importance of ampars


A. What are the nuclei(s) in the limbic system and what do they do?

B. Physiologically, describe the Schizophrenia Disease

C. Does seizures and epilepsy increase excitatory over exhibition?

D. Physiologically l, what is the significance of myelin and saltatory conduction. Give clinical examples.

E. What is the physiological importance of AMPARs. And its effects on the synapse?

F. What happens if you stimulate both Parasympathetic and Sympathetic Nervous System at the same time?

G. What is Autonomic Conflict? NB: In relation to Nervous System

H. How do you synthesize GABA from Glutanate?

I. In the CNS, what is the significance of the Gray type I and II synapse?

J. What is the significance of the Serotonin Receptors?

K. (a) What is the physiological significance of ACh in the nervous system? (b) Significance of Alpha Adrenergic Receptors. (c) Beta Adrenergic Receptors.

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