
What is the phrase-marker trees

Assignment:Introduction to Linguistics Theory

1. Using the phrase structure rules we have learnt in class, give the phrase-marker trees for each of the following sentences.

The angry wasp has stung Charles on the ear.

Every big can and small box slid down the chute.

A woman from Duluth stepped on the elf and laughed.

2. The following sentence has ve meanings, depending on what the prepositional phrases (PPs) are modifying. Each of these meanings is associated with a particular structure. Tell me what each of these meanings are, and draw the syntactic representation (that is the phrase structure tree) associated with each meaning.

She walked down the path beside the man from Pelham.

Be sure that each of your parses preserve the order of words in this sentence.

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Other Subject: What is the phrase-marker trees
Reference No:- TGS02009507

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