What is the phase difference

Two antennas located at points A and B are broadcasting radio waves of frequency 95.0 MHz, perfectly in phase with each other. The two antennas are separated by a distance d= 6.20 m. An observer, P, is located on the x axis, a distance x= 63.0 m from antenna A, so that APB forms a right triangle with PB as hypotenuse. What is the phase difference between the waves arriving at P from antennas A and B? Now observer P walks along the x axis toward antenna A. What is P's distance from A when he first observes fully destructive interference between the two waves? If observer P continues walking until he reaches antenna A, at how many places along the x axis (including the place you found in the previous problem) will he detect minima in the radio signal, due to destructive interference?

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Physics: What is the phase difference
Reference No:- TGS0721261

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