Claude is 82 years old and has lived with his partner, Michael (aged 85 years) for 52 years. They met when they were both working for the same accounting firm but because this was a time when homosexuality was against the law, they had to hide their relationship from their families, friends and other people in their community. However, Claude says that the happiest day of his life was when he and Michael married in 2018 in front of all their family and friends when Same Sex Marriage was legalised. Now Claude has been Michael's carer for the last 3 years since he was diagnosed with Alzheimer 's disease. When Claude and Michael first learned of this diagnosis, they made a decision together that they would maintain their independence and stay in their own home for as long as possible. However, Claude is finding that caring for Michael is becoming increasingly difficult as his memory deteriorates and that he needs 24-hour supervision and assistance with all activities of daily living. Claude is becoming frail and is increasingly distressed by the situation. Claude can no longer participate in the activities he loves, such as his weekly bridge afternoons and the occasional golf game. Claude is hoping to find an aged care facility that will accept both of them together and provide the appropriate care for Michael. However, he finds that many facilities are reluctant to accept them together as other residents may not want a gay couple moving in with them. Claude has been looking for an LGBTIQ+ facility but there is nothing available at present. Claude says that he is beside himself with worry and believes that he is letting Michael down.
A. What is the person's primary concern? How has this affected their life and relationships with their family, friends and community?
B. What is the person's stage in the lifespan? According to Erikson's Psychosocial Theory, what challenge is the person facing? And discuss how the person is navigating this challenge.
C. Discuss the facilitators and barriers that the person may face as they navigate ways to resolve their concern.
D. How will you as a nurse or midwife assist the person to find person centred solutions for the person's dilemma?