Question: Part 1: A. 52-week forecasts for each component of the trial repeat model
What ate your 52-week forecasts for each of cumulative trial, cumulative repeat sales, sales per trier, and repeat sales per repeater? Present your data in table format and discuss your forecasting approach and your results.
B. 52-week test market forecast
Using the definitional trial-repeat model presented in the Newfood case and discussed in class, what is your sales forecast (in cases) for the end of the 52-week test market? Show your calculations and discuss them clearly. Lay out your equations. your data, finalize your calculations, and discuss your results.
C. National sales forecast for the end of the first year after launch
Give your response to Question 2, use the model to forecast national sales at the end of the first year of the new product launch. Specifically, what is your national sales forecast (in cases)? Show your calculations and discuss them clearly.
D. Managerial decision based on predictive analytics
Would you make a final Go, No Go, or Continue recommendation to the Hinesbury Mills new product development team that is in charge of making the final decision? Provide your rational and justify your recommendation.
Part 2: A. What is your Final Model? Provide your final model on one line and bold it. How would you explain your final model to your client? Discuss.
B. What is the percentage of variation explained in your dependent variable by the independent variable(s) in your model? (Find this value by taking the square of the canonical correlation value that is found in the Eigenvalues table.) Discuss briefly.
C. Report wilks' Lambda, the F-value, and the p-value for your final model. What do these values say about the quality of your model? Explain and discuss briefly.
D. Cut and paste your Classifications Results table for your final model. What are your Hit Rates and your Miss Rates? Explain and discuss.
E. For your Final Model, save Predicted group membership, the Discriminant scores, and the Probabilities of group membership for all of your respondents. What are these values for the two respondents whoso numbers are written in the upper right corner of your exam? Explain each of these values for your two respondents. Discuss.
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