Assume that you have a LONG position in 6,742 shares of stock. You purchased the stock at a price of St = $17.50 per share. In order to protect the value of your stock investment, you also bought 300 put options with the following characteristics:
underlying asset NSU Company stock (100 shares)
exercise price X = $17.50 per share
expiration 6 months
premium Pt = $1.25 per share.
Assume, at the time of the closing trade, the stock and put prices are:
St+n = $15.75 per share Pt+n = $1.22 per share.
Answer the following:
1. What is the per-share GAIN/LOSS in your stock investment? What is the total GAIN/LOSS for all 6,742 shares?
2. Assume that you offset your put options. What is the per-share GAIN/LOSS for the put options? What is the total GAIN/LOSS for all 300 put options?
3. Based on your answers to #1 and #2 above, did the LONG position in put options help to protect your stock investment? How?