
What is the pathophysiology of hepatitis c

Assignment task:

Mike is a 23-year-old white male admitted for severe depression. He has a history of bipolar disorder and is currently taking valproate (Depakote) 500 mg XR daily. His psychiatrist ordered LFT's to follow the valproate therapy. LFT's were abnormal: ALT 1178 u/L, AST 746 u/L. the patient was asymptomatic. He denies fever, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting or jaundice. He denies using other medication or alcohol but admits using illicit IV drugs starting about 8 weeks ago and continuing to present. He never had a blood transfusion. Aside from valproate (Depakote) he is presently taking clonazepam 1 mg prn and fluoxetine (Prozac) 40 mg qd.

Other blood work: Direct bili 1 mg/dL, alk phos 188 u/L, anti-HCV negative on hospital day 1, positive on day 3. HCV-RNA PCR positive. Hep A, B, and D markers negative.

Patient diagnosis: Acute Hepatitis C.

1. What is the pathophysiology of Hepatitis C?

2. What impact would the medications have on his liver function?

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Biology: What is the pathophysiology of hepatitis c
Reference No:- TGS03321496

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