A. What is the mole fraction of O2 in a mixture of 5.09 g of O2 in a mixture of 5.09 g of O2 7.19 g of N2 and 1.32 g of H2
B. What is the mole fraction of N2 in a mixture of 5.09 g of O2 7.19g of N2 and 1.32 g of H2
C. What is the mole fraction of H2 in a mixture of 5.09 g of O27.19 g of N2 and 1.32 of H2 Answers a-c in percent
D. What is the partial pressure in atm of O2 of this mixture if it is held in 12.60-L vessel at 15 degrees celcius
E. What is the partial pressure in atm of N2 of ths mixture if it is held in 12.60-L vessel at 15 degrees celcius
F. What is the partial pressure in atm of H2 of this mixture if it is held in a 12.60 -L vesssel at 15 degrees celcius