
What is the original position and the veil of ignorance


1. Thompson

a. Why does Thompson believe we have a different intuition in regards to the surgeon example as opposed to the trolley problem?

2. Plato

a. Why does Socrates say that he would be breaking a Tacit Agreement if he were to escape? (What is a Tacit Agreement?)

b. Why does Socrates say it is wrong to break the laws? (There are several reasons)

c. What is the difference between just and unjust agreements?

d. How does MLK's position differ from Socrates?

3. Aristotle

a. Why does Aristotle think that Ethics is unique when compared to fields of science?

b. Give an explanation of Telos - what is it and what purpose does it serve for Aristotle?

c. What is the definition Aristotle gives of "The good life"?

d. How does one learn how to become a reasonable woman/man?

e. Explain the general idea of Virtue Ethics in regards to Aristotle. This answer should touch upon "finding the mean" and how an individual becomes "Virtuo".

4. Mill

a. What does Mill say about Epicureans? Who is he speaking to? In answering this question, you should also give an explanation concerning the different types of pleasure.

b. What is a theory of Utility?

c. How do we determine which pleasures are greater than others?

d. Why does Mill say "It is better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a pig satisfied?"

e. What are the reasons that someone would prefer a lower level pleasure instead of a higher level pleasure?

5. Kant

a. What is deontology?

b. Why does Kant say we must have some guideline or rule for our actions? This should have something to do with agency.

c. What is the difference between Categorical and Hypothetical imperatives?

d. How is the Categorical Imperative formulated?

6. Rawls

a. What is an Egalitarian? Why does Rawls believe that justice is fairness? This answer should discuss society's reliance on justice.

b. Why does Rawls think there is a conflict when determining the distribution of goods/opportunities?

c. What is the original position and the Veil of Ignorance?

d. What does Rawls have to say about inequalities? When are they permissible?

e. Explain what types of information people should have while under the Veil of Ignorance.

f. Give some examples for the more difficult decisions to be made under the Veil. How does Rawls suppose we make these decisions?

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