
What is the organizations general mission


I. Colleges can be powerful catalysts for change. Student organizations can be some of the most active and effective groups on environmental policy issues. Research the environmental efforts being made by PPCC.

i. What have been some of the biggest successes on campus?
ii. What are some of the largest obstacles?
iii. How can you get involved?
iv. What would you like to see here at PPCC in the future?

II. Research a professional environmental organization that interests you. Answer the following questions in your own words.

i. What is the organization you researched?
ii. Why did you choose that particular one?
iii. How long has it been in existence?
iv. What is the organization's general mission?
v. What entity does it protect or represent?
vi. How does their work relate to what we learned in class?
vii. In the grand scheme of 'environmental problems', how important does their work seem to you?
viii. Is it something the average citizen could join or get involved in?
ix. Is it just in the U.S. or is it an international organization?

III. There are many cities around the planet that suffer from high levels of pollution. But how would we decide which location has the worst pollution? Would we base it on chemicals in the air? Particulates in the air from dust from construction or the desert? Smoke from burning of agricultural waste? Water pollution? Deforestation? Or would it be a combination of all these factors? 10 cities are listed below that are known for their pollution. Select the 1 that interests you the most and write a 6-sentence summary indicating how and why that city is considered polluted. What kind of pollution is observed and what industries / activities / natural weather phenomenon contribute to the high levels of pollution?

i. Delhi, India
ii. Bamenda, Cameroon
iii. Peshawar, Pakistan
iv. Kampala, Uganda
v. Baoding, China
vi. Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
vii. Shouguang, China
viii. Yanbu, Saudi Arabia
ix. Mexico City, Mexico
x. Los Angeles, CA, USA.

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HR Management: What is the organizations general mission
Reference No:- TGS03357720

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